Since ancient times, people attempt, through a variety of magical rituals, amulets, of conspiracies, of attracting to themselves the well-being and wealth, not the exception of steel and good luck charms and money. All the magicians, mediums, healers, with confidence, stating that the correct or an amulet made by himself is able to bring luck and prosperity.

If the owner will be unconditionally and believe in the power of their mascot, the fortune will smile to you, and the material wealth becomes pleasant to your advantage. Consider popular amulets for good luck and money.
Types of amulets
There is a huge variety of strong amulets for good luck and money. You can buy one already ready, but you can make an amulet in an independent way, respecting the specific conditions of its production. Many listen to the advice of the great Vanga, one follows the steps of the famous astrologer Tamara Globa, and some do not fix on the past history and create amulets, popular in the era of the Golden Horde or of the Russian empire.
Amulet of Vanga luck and money
The great clairvoyant and healer Vanga during the life-time has helped many people who asked for her help. But, and after his death, people think that the salvation of the distresses and tribulations, the gain desired, using your tips.
Wang said that nature is the primary source, gold mine of parts needed by man for the happiness. Just need to know how to use them.
To manufacture a strong amulet to attract money and luck, she advised to take leaves and branches of blackcurrant. The spring is necessary to cut some fine branches with the branch of gooseberry. Take the green tape, make three cuts, each one of which should be larger than that of the branches.
Braid of twigs and ribbon pigtail, switching between the ribbon and the branches. The result of a standard join in a ring like a bracelet. Connect both ends three of us and clean up the mascot away from the human mind.
After drying branches amulet ready. Within a year he should be with the owner is constantly or wear in the hand, place it in the bag. After a year it is necessary to burn and make new.
An amulet of good luck and the money will be from tamar as Globa
Tamara Globa – the famous astrologer – modernity believes that people will no longer believe in the magical power of hell. In his opinion, the amulet is a powerful energy tool to obtain the desired.
You Tamara has her own charm that she brings good luck. It is the currency, took her in the hands of Siberia. The amulet-and there's a currency to load a special power, after a ritual in a name for it, served to a particular master. Any person can enjoy the luxury of there this personal mascot.
Imperial amulet of good luck and attract money
Around this mascot walk legends, one of which is the obtaining of special coins young Peter I of the monks of the Trinity-st. sergius laurels. About this coin three deacon all night, read the prayer, and then handed her to Peter, saying that he now expects the success in all things, fortune and wealth will be your companions in all things.
In fact, all of the problems, which were, at that moment, the young Prince, resolved, and the himself Peter I, later, became a great emperor. Since then, many emperors used their own amulet-coin.
Now, the manufacturer of such mascot are dealing with professional magicians, you can order through the internet. The prayers may be read by him about a man that, therefore, the host should be only one. Imperial amulet can make your own, but for this, you need a serious humor and strong faith.

Ordynsky amulet
Another amulet, which will not have to face the material needs, - Ordynsky. Up to our days survived a sufficient number of information about it. In ancient times, it was gold, central district currency, the cross is connected to the loop.
Now, this costume can be ordered from persons with knowledge, or even make your own.
Muslim amulet in money and luck
Muslims also use different magical amulets that help them gain financial independence. The most popular is considered to be an amulet – a piece of paper, on which are written the words about the richness of the hands. This amulet hidden in a leather pouch and carefully dressed. Bad omen will be your loss.
Red wire
Round the red wire is considered the strongest amulet luck, money and protection. Discussion it is worth to choose from natural materials. The most suitable choice is the wool.
Many times, people tend to buy the holy one of Israel. Tie the yarn in the hand has the closest affinity to people. Tie the yarn in seven knots. To multiply the money online use the currency.
Why the home of the amulet is the better commercial?
People in search of wealth and well-being, often wonder: where are selling good luck charms and money. Buy in specialized stores magical profile. Also, you can make a reservation magician or a psychic, because they know very well how to speak a amulet money and good luck.
Recently, the most common form of acquisition of a good luck charm, attract money and improve health is the internet. But the type of magic item it is easy to make your own. It is believed that the amulet was made with your own hands, it is more efficient, because when his creation, his thoughts focus on a given purpose.
Even more, there is the option to choose any production version of an amulet, that will in the soul.
How to make an amulet of good luck and money with their own hands?
To make an amulet of good luck and money-with your hands, you need some materials (specific for each method), and the most important – a positive attitude, belief in the efficacy of the mascot, and the power of thought.
The magic of the coin
The magic of the coin is the most common form of amulet to attract money. At the time of the full moon you need to take any coin, put it back in the saucer with water, place in a window, under the rays of the moon. They will charge an amulet energy of the moon. This currency worth always keep yourself, the better for your wallet.
Amulet wax
For the manufacture of such a talisman you must buy a candle. The crescent of the moon, at midnight, install it in a glass, then firing. Mentally the flame of a candle to convey your desires, you can quietly whisper. The wax will keep all made your information. When the candle going to burn down, the wax hardens, it needs to place inside a bag and always take with you, it is not showing.
From the discussion

This is one of the strong points of amulets to attract luck and money. Need to buy a filament of different colors, braid them sickle. During the braiding pronounce your money desire. Then, a cable to connect the strap, to put in the left foot. After the execution of wishes bracelet to tear down and burn, say the words of gratitude.
The bag with the money
This amulet is created to the wealth of the family, so, if the family does not, if the house, living strange, he's not going to work.
Self-on the front, stitched to the pouch from any screen. Will different currencies of dignity, are washed in clean water and then are placed on the table. Ancient coins rejoice, are placed in a bag, with your need to talk about: "Penny the penny, ten cents to the penny, ruble, ruble, ten-ten, all to the court".
Money tangle
A coin or a note, you should wind yarn wool green into a ball. During the dissolution of thinking about the money. Put over the door on the inside of the house, but it was hidden from prying eyes.
Small things
Sometimes in life we are faced with small things, that immediately attract our attention. This can be anything: rocks, shells, action figures, decoration. A so little thing will contribute to their success.
Before planting home flower in a pot with the earth needs to bury coins. It's a flower, you need to think that you contribute to the future of wealth. Strange that the plant can not hide, unlike other amulets.
Horseshoe above the door
Horseshoe – slavic amulet money and good luck. Attach a horseshoe needs to of legs up with the inner part of the house about the door and think about the future well-being.
Amulets-stones for luck and money to the signs of the Zodiac
A popular way of attraction of itself, so is the use of stone, the correct file for your sign of the Zodiac. You can buy the decoration with such a stone, and you and a stone. The criterion must be the soul of the owner, otherwise, the use will not be.
- For Aries, lovers be, at the time, the diamond, sapphire, amethyst, ruby.
- Faithful and stable Calves luck and money bring amulets of emerald, jadeite, agatha.
- Curious Twins it is better to take advantage of topaz, garnet, agate, and Dr.
- Amulet money and good luck for the intuitive, the Cancer will be the emerald, the pearl, the cat eye.
- Aspects the Lions will win the luck, thanks ruby, amber, and Dr.
- The correct and rational of the Virgin enriched with the help of jade, jasper, cyanite, and topaz.
- Libran, who admire everything will help you attract good luck diamond, aquamarine, opal, a lapis lazuli.
- Assertive Scorpions luck guarantee black opal, cat's eye, pomegranate, water-navy.
- Authoritative Sagittarius can not do without lapis lazuli, turquoise and topaz.
- State the sign of Capricorn help malachite, ruby, onyx.
- Creative, aquarians will gain well-being thanks to sapphire and ruby.
- Well, the creative Fish on attraction of money are required moon stone, pearl.
Comments on pet luck and money
Amulets to attract money and luck, have different opinions. Among its positives people point to an improvement in materials of things to do after they made an amulet own hands.
Many like to purchased charms. By cons, without a doubt, they refer to the ordinary cases of fraud when ordering via the internet. Yes, and to the wizards-misleading - frequent phenomenon. Also, for the disadvantages relate not cheap value purchased or commissioned costume.

If you have a fear of scams, do as the amulet from his hands, believe me, do not hesitate in their use, so the luck will not pass. But it's not worth passing all the responsibility on the amulet, you need to try to change their position. And the mascot, what you will do.